Physical Copy: BrewOtaku #001 Physical (~5,99€) — ships from Germany/EU

Digital Copy: BrewOtaku #001 Digital (2,50€) — ships digitally as a download

60 pages, A4 — four pages of advertising.

News-Corner: 20 Pages of Homebrew-Headlines! Mentioning almost 100 mostly fresh released titles!

Homebrew Reviews: Egbert (GBC), Baunsudaun (GB), MIroh Jr. (NES), The Pazaak Battles (GBC), Running Knight (LNX), Supercooked (SNES), Cursed Crown (NES), Devolution (C64), Catventure (NES), Phenix Corrupta (MSX2), Huck on the Mississippi (C64), Skull Nightmare (GBC), Traumatarium II (GB), Slimelord Siege (GBA), Mage and The Grimoire of Beast (GBC), Burying E.T. (VCS), Putting Challenge II (GB), The Adventures in Carnal Hell (GBC), Kommando Urbex (CPC), Basketbrawl (GBC), Data East’s BreakThru (OCS) & Turbo Outrun (PLUS4).

Stories: C64 for Dummies, Scorpion Engine, Super Mario Land (Game Boy)

Interview: Erik HOGAN (Earok)
