Data East’s BreakThru (2024) Amiga OCS

a FREEWARE fangame by acidbottle for Amiga OCS

Written for BrewOtaku #001 by Syed Raza


Military action titles are possibly not everyone’s cup of tea, but some exhausting games can sometimes be refreshing too. BreakThru is a horizontal scrolling shooter, designed for basically all Amiga computers, starting at the lower end with an Amiga 500 and 1 MB of RAM.

Scumbag, move your ass!

We can for sure smell some patriotic spirit embedded into the game. Your mission is to rescue the stolen PK430, a fighter jet from your state, that has somehow landed in enemy territory.

You will be given the honour and responsibility to operate and take care of the most advanced land vehicle available. This should support you on your mission, in order to spot and return the jet. Remember, there is only one-way out. Either you fly back, or you don’t! This gives everything some sort of drama, but also an essence of seriousness. The
controls are pretty straight forward, you can move around with the joystick, but also shoot or jump to counter your
unloved enemies. They want to keep the fancy jet and defend it with their lives, be warned.

You navigate through a desert land later on into other areas. Since you’re driving a tank, you have the ability to run over soldiers and crates. Always be on the look-out for power-ups and extra lives to ensure you don’t lose your momentum.

The visuals are okay, and they don’t look too bad, but a professional graphics artist could have possibly done some magic here. On the other side, it’s never late, to still do so. The music is passable and enjoyable.


Overall, some more love for detail and this would have been an editorial
staff favourite, for sure. Having a faster CPU avoids unwanted slowdowns, but hey, it still works on an Amiga 500.



