Kommando Urbex (2024)

a FREEWARE game by ‘Altanerus Dog’ for the Amstrad CPC

Written for BrewOtaku #001 by Syed Raza

Kommando Urbex are Laura, Albert, and Pau. Their great passion is visiting abandoned places. One day they have received news about strange events happening in an old agricultural complex from the 17th century.

What’s going on here?

Added to this is the disappearance of two other Urbexers at ‘The Dehesa’. Kommando Urbex decided to head out to that soulless place, exploring the wilderness of that 17th century complex, all on their own, but the areal has been occupied by gang members and cartels. In this entire menace, Albert and Pau have been captured and are nowhere to be seen.

It is up to Laura, the only female in the group, to explore the circumstances. Things get interesting since Albert and Pau, surprisingly, made certain arrangements that Laura has to make use of in order to find them. It seems they were able to leave behind a couple of hints, which is great. In the action that caught them, Albert did leave behind food boxes at certain points, that Laura must make use of in order to survive. Similarly, Pau has established hideouts across the map.

In case the cartel spots Laura, she is determined to hide somewhere until they go away. Using the map Pau provided, you must explore all the places to find your fellow adventurers. Remember to dodge any horseflies you come across, as they are not a pleasant experience.

Talk to the vital characters, responsible for certain acts. Get enough clues to succeed your mission. The game’s story lasts for three days, in one stretch, meaning Laura will have to manage two nights as well!


An astonishing explorer game that runs primarily on clues and hints. If you’re someone who enjoys true old-fashioned adventures, and want to unleash your inner Sherlock, this one is for you!

Link: https://altanerus-dog.itch.io/kommando-urbex-1
